Chronological age, Biological age, Psychological age, Social age
by. kongkoh
Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memberikan informasi tentang usia / umur dalam konteks perkembangan kehidupan manusia. Dalam psikologi perkembangan usia / umur memiliki variasi tidak hanya seperti yang biasa kita kenal, misalnya kita sering menyaksikan seseorang yang berulang tahun yang ke…. (misal 10 tahun) itu artinya anak usianya sudah 10 tahun, bisa diartikan juga bahwa waktu 10 tahun merupakan waktu yang telah berlalu atau telah dilalui oleh anak sepanjang kehidupannya. Dalam istilah psikologi perkembangan hal tersebut dikenal dengan istilah usia kronologis (chronological age). Selain usia kronologis dalam psikologi perkembangan ada juga yang disebut usia biologi (biological age), usia psikologis (psychological age), usia social (social age) (Hoyer and Roodin, 2009).. Untuk mengetahui pengertian dari masing-masing istilah tersebut berikut ini penjelasannya yang saya kutip dari bukunya Santrock yang berjudul Life-Span Development.
Chronological age is the number of years that have elapsed since birth. But time
is a crude index of experience, and it does not cause anything. Chronological age,
moreover, is not the only way of measuring age. Just as there are different domains
of development, there are different ways of thinking about age.
Biological age is a
person’s age in terms of biological health. Determining biological age involves knowing
the functional capacities of a person’s vital organs (Westendorp and Kirkwood,
2007). One person’s vital capacities may be better or worse than those of others of
comparable age. The younger the person’s biological age, the longer the person is
expected to live, regardless of chronological age.
Psychological age is an individual’s adaptive capacities compared with those of
other individuals of the same chronological age. Thus, older adults who continue
to learn, are fl exible, are motivated, have positive personality traits, control
their emotions, and think clearly are engaging in more adaptive behaviors
than their chronological age-mates who do not continue to learn, are rigid,
are unmotivated, do not control their emotions, and do not think clearly(Depp, Vahia, and Jeste, 2010; Park and Huang, 2010).
Social age refers to social roles and expectations related to a person’s age (Phillipson and Baars, 2007). Consider the role of “mother” and the behaviors that accompany the
role (Hoyer and Roodin, 2009). In predicting an adult woman’s behavior, it may be
more important to know that she is the mother of a 3-year-old child than to know
whether she is 20 or 30 years old.
Maaf tidak saya terjemahkan, silahkan terjemahkan sendiri oleh teman-teman semoga bisa mendapatkan pemahaman yang utuh dari ke empat istilah tersebut. Demikian tulisan ini dibuat semoga bisa memberikan informasi. Thanks.
Sumber :
- John W. Santrock. 2011. Life-Span Development
. New York: McGrawHil
- Westendorp, R. G., & Kirkwood, T. 2007. The biology of aging. In J. Bond, S. Peace, F.Dittman-Kohli, & G. Westerhoff (Eds.), Aging in society (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Depp, C., Vahia, I. V., & Jeste, D. (2010). Successful aging: Focusing on cognitive and emotional health. Annual review of clinical psychology (Vol. 6). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews
- Park, D. C., & Huang, C. M. (2010, in press). Culture wires the brain: A cognitive neuroscience perspective. Perspectives in Psychological Science.
- Phillipson, C., & Baars, J. (2007). Social theory and social aging. In J. Bond, S. Peace, F. Dittman-Kohli, & G. Westerhoff (Eds.), Aging in society (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Hoyer, W. J., & Roodin, P. A. (2009). Adult development and aging (6th ed.). New York:McGraw-Hill.
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